Why HAM Systems?

Everyone can use it

This underlines the company's commitment to user-friendly design and functionality. Regardless of an individual's technical skills, IoT products and platforms should be intuitive and easy to use. By removing the steep learning curve often associated with high-tech solutions, the company ensures that everyone from tech-savvy millennials to less tech-savvy generations can use the products effectively.

Customer satisfaction

It signifies a commitment not just to providing a product, but to ensure that the product truly meets and exceeds the needs and expectations of its users. It entails offering strong after-sales support, listening to feedback, and constantly iterating on products to better serve the customer base.

Low start-up cost, scalable

Small businesses and startups are often cautious about large capital expenditures. By offering a low initial investment, the company reduces barriers to entry. However, the true brilliance lies in the scalability of the solutions. As a business grows, the IoT solutions can expand in tandem, ensuring that larger operations are as easily catered to as smaller ones without necessitating a complete overhaul.

Data storage for ever

In an era where data is gold, offering permanent data storage signals a commitment to longevity and reliability. Businesses can be assured that their valuable data, insights, and records will remain accessible and secure. This eternal storage promise also means that businesses can track their evolution and growth over time, drawing insights from historical data whenever needed.

Designed for businesses

Unlike generic solutions that try to cater to everyone and often end up meeting no one's needs perfectly, a focus on business-centric design means the company's IoT solutions are tailored to address the specific challenges, needs, and dynamics of business operations. This ensures a higher degree of alignment with business goals, operational efficiencies, and return on investment.

Thermosense intalled commercial refrigerator

The peace of mind you deserve

Do you own commercial cold storage?

The most versatile and affordable Wi-Fi temperature data logger, with a focus on commercial cold storage.

With HAM ThermoSense you can see the conditions of your cold storage from anywhere in the world using your phone, at any time.

Our system will immediately notify you when something goes wrong with a push notification, email, SMS or will even call on your phone!

Temperature data loggers
Energy bill dinswitch

Do you pay a lot to your energy supplier?

Do you know when and where you spend your energy?

Just by knowing about your energy consumption patterns, you can save energy without even having to setup automation or control.

HAM DinSwitch is versatile and allows you to control a different load than the one you are metering (e.g. you can control the water heater while measuring the main switch). Or just do one of the two.

Energy bills don't have enough information, frequency or responsivity to lead you to useful conclusions.

Smart energy management
HAM RemoteAC on the wall artistic

You have done this before

Save money and Gain Comfort

According to Eurostat, Space heating and cooling accounts for 63.6% of energy consumption in homes and offices.

With HAM RemoteAC you can control your A/C from anywhere, at any time, and always come back to a nice cozy home.

You can turn it on and off, set reminders for when it's accidentally left running, and schedule it to work during your work schedule.

Remote AC control
Forgot water heater on

Stress no longer

Left the water heater on, again?

HAM DinSwitchM automatically turns-off your water heater after the time limit that you set, e.g. 30 minutes

Remotely turn on your water heater after work or gym, or schedule it to turn on before you wake up for instant hot water.

Be notified as soon as the water heater turns on.

Schedule your waterheater

HAM Systems