Energy management and savings

Effective energy management is a critical aspect of modern business operations. The integration of advanced real-time energy meters can pinpoint energy-hungry appliances and significantly enhance energy efficiency.

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Real-time monitoring

Which is your most energy hungry device?

Our Wi-Fi energy meters provide real-time data on energy consumption, allowing you to instantly see how much electricity you are using at any given moment. This level of information can provide insight into which appliances are consuming the most energy.

By identifying high consumption periods or appliances, you can adjust their usage patterns to take advantage of off-peak rates or simply reduce unnecessary consumption, resulting in lower energy bills.

Reducing energy consumption not only saves money, but also results in a smaller carbon footprint.

HAM Platform data english

Detailed Insights

Data-Driven Decisions

Our real-time energy usage data allows businesses to identify and eliminate wasteful practices, thereby streamlining operations. This is particularly beneficial for businesses that operate 24/7, such as data centers or manufacturing plants.

By understanding peak usage times and devices, businesses can adjust their operations to reduce costs. This could include scheduling energy-intensive tasks during off-peak hours or taking advantage of lower tariffs.

Detailed consumption reports enable businesses to make informed decisions, whether it's upgrading to energy-efficient equipment or restructuring operations to save energy.

SMS and email notification

Alerts and Notifications

Alerts and Notifications

Receive alerts on unusual usage patterns that may indicate a faulty device or other problems. This early detection can lead to faster problem resolution and further savings.

Our system will immediately notify you when something goes wrong with a push notification, email, SMS or will even call your mobile phone!

Smart Home HAM Systems app

Remote Control and Management

Automations and Scheduling

For businesses with multiple locations, centralized energy management through Wi-Fi energy meters can be invaluable. Managers can remotely monitor and adjust energy consumption across different sites.

They can also create automations and schedule devices to turn on/off based on the energy consumption.

Remote Control

Frequently Asked Questions

What can it measure?

Real-time electrical analysis per phase and in total of current, voltage, active and reactive power, energy consumption, total harmonic distortion and more. Discover targeted measures to optimize your energy efficiency, such as the installation of filters and reactive power compensation!

Can I install it?

Our systems are so easy to install that they can be installed by any professional electrician. Installers can contact us for more information.

What size is the device?

HAM DinSwitch is one slot wide (just like an MCB). You should also consider the size of accessories, e.g. a power relay if you want control (usually one space wide).

HAM DinMeter3P is two slots wide (just like two MCBs).

Do I need Wi-Fi?

Yes, a Wi-Fi network with Internet access is required for the device to work.

Where are they made?

Our devices are designed and tested in EU (Greece). All of our devices have passed all required lab tests to have the CE mark affixed.

Will you support me?

We are here to support you every step of the way. If you encounter any issues, please don't hesitate to contact us, and we will assist you in finding a solution. Your feedback is crucial to designing our new solutions. We appreciate your input.

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