

Last update: 20/12/2023

    1. Introduction

      Welcome to our Cookie Policy. As part of our commitment to transparency, this policy describes how we use cookies and similar technologies on our website and online store. Your continued use of our site implies your consent to the practices detailed in this policy.

        2. What are cookies?

          Cookies are small text files that are stored on your device when you visit a website. These files contain information that facilitates a more personalized and efficient browsing experience. Cookies play a key role in enhancing website functionality and user interaction.

            3. Types of cookies we use

              3.1. Basic cookies

              Basic cookies are fundamental for the basic functions of the website. They allow basic functions such as page navigation, user authentication and site security. These cookies are integral to your experience on our site and cannot be disabled without affecting functionality.

              3.2 Analysis and Performance Cookies

              We use analytics and performance cookies to collect information about how visitors engage with our website. This data is vital for evaluating site performance, identifying areas for improvement and understanding user preferences. These cookies help us to improve the user experience and optimise our online presence.

              3.3 Marketing cookies

              Marketing cookies are used to track visitors to various websites. The primary goal is to present personalized and relevant advertisements to individual users. By understanding browsing habits, we can tailor marketing efforts to better align with your interests.

              3.4 Functional cookies

              Functional cookies enhance the functionality of the website and provide a more personalised experience. They remember the choices you make, such as language preferences or region settings, to provide enhanced, personalised features.

              3.5 Third-party cookies

              We work with trusted third-party services that may use cookies on our website. These services include:

              • Nibata Call Tracking: used to track the source of phone calls to our business, allowing us to improve customer support and marketing strategies.
              • Task Chat Support: It facilitates the support function via live chat for real-time customer assistance.
              • Google Analytics: a popular web analytics platform provided by Google, Inc. Google Analytics uses cookies to analyse how users use the website. It measures the number of visitors and their general behavior such as typical dwell time and average page views.
              • Voange: Used to send phone call notifications, enhancing our communication capabilities.
              • Facebook Pixel: It allows us to monitor the effectiveness of our Facebook advertising campaigns, helping us to improve our marketing strategies.
              • Mailchimp: It is used to manage our email marketing campaigns and optimise communication with our audience.
              • SMS Global: Used to send SMS notifications, enhancing our communication capabilities.
              • Shopify platform: Necessary for the functionality of our e-shop, supporting the e-commerce functions.
              • Courier company: Enables monitoring and control of delivery status, ensuring efficient execution of orders.
                4. How to manage cookies

                  Most web browsers provide options for managing cookies through their settings. You can set your browser to accept, reject or notify you when a cookie is set. It is important to note that blocking certain types of cookies may affect your experience on our site.

                    5. Changes to this policy

                      We may update this Cookie Policy to reflect changes in our practices or for other operational, legal or regulatory reasons. The date of the last update will be indicated at the top of the policy. Significant changes will be announced via our website.

                        6. Contact details

                          For questions or concerns about our cookie policy, please contact us at