Understand your electricity bill
There are many times when we look at our electricity bill and wonder about the long text on the back page with the charges. So today, we will therefore analyze what each of them means so that we all know where the money we give our electricity provider goes.
Transformation Factor: This is the factor by which the consumption recorded by your meter is multiplied to calculate your actual consumption.
For example, if this factor is 50 and the recorded consumption is 40, this means that 2,000 kWh were consumed in the period covered by the bill (=50X40).
*Relates to supplies with an agreed capacity of more than 85 kVA.
Usage factor: Calculated for certain customers and indicates the effective use of the power absorbed by the network.
Power Factor (cosφ): Calculated for certain categories of customers with high agreed power and calculated from the active and reactive energy consumptions.
For other customers the power factor is taken to be equal to unity (cosφ = 1).
Debt Demand (KW): Calculated for power supplies above 35 kVA and indicates the maximum power demand in the period covered by the bill.
Adjustable charges
Independent Power Transmission Operator S.A.
This amount includes the costs required for the operation, maintenance and development of the High Voltage Transmission Network. This network supplies the whole country and is therefore also included in the analysis of the electricity bill.
The charge for the IPTO is calculated by the following formula:
[kVA * Days / 365 * UFC (€ kVA & year)] + [kWh * UVC (€ / kWh)]
- UFC: Unit Fixed Charge
- UVC: Unit Variable Charge
- kWh: kilowatt-hours consumed
- kVA: Agreed Power, indicated in the Electricity Supply Contract
Hellenic Electricity Distribution Network Operator
This acronym refers to the Operator of the Greek Electricity Distribution Network.
This amount includes the costs incurred by the HEDNO for the operation, maintenance and development of the Medium and Low Voltage Distribution Network.
The charge for the HEDNO is derived from the formula:
[kVA * Days / 365 * UFC (€ kVA & year)] + kWh x UVC (€ / kWh) / cosφ
- UFC: Unit Fixed Charge
- UVC: Unit Variable Charge
- kWh: kilowatt-hours consumed
- kVA: Agreed Power, indicated in the Electricity Supply Contract
- cosφ: Power Factor, which only applies to certain categories of customers with high Agreed Power.
For customers who do not have a high Agreed Power, the power factor is equal to one (cosφ=1)
This is an acronym for Social Services of General Interest.
These charges are levied on all consumers to facilitate social benefits, such as the electricity supply to non-interconnected islands, but also the special tariff received by large families and beneficiaries of the Social Tariff.
The charges are as follows:
- From 0 to 1600 kilowatt-hours EUR 0,0069
- From 1601 to 2000 kilowatt-hours EUR 0,05
- From 2001 and above kilowatt-hours EUR 0,085
The SSGI charge is derived from the following formula:
kWh * Unit charge (€/kWh)
Special levy to reduce emissions of gaseous pollutants
This charge is the special fee to support the production of electricity from renewable energy sources.
The ETMEAR is calculated using the following formula:
Price of ETMEAR * kWh
Other charges
These are various charges imposed through taxation and relate to the smooth operation of the Market. Other charges are calculated according to the formula:
kWh * Unit Charge (€/kWh)
The amount debited or credited to the accounts is shown here.
Includes the debts for:
(A) electricity, excluding commission charges, regulated charges and the pre-payment amount; and
(B) charges attributable to the State
Debt credits attributable to the State
a) SCT (Law 3336/05): Special Consumption Tax
The tax is only charged on the electricity settlement bill, calculated on consumption and paid to the state.
b) SPECIAL TAX 5‰ (Law 2093/92): special tax 5‰
The charge for special tax ‰ is calculated on the value of the consumed electricity plus the charge of the Special Consumption Tax.
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