How is ISO 22000 applied?
ISO 22000: What are the requirements?
How is the best known Food Safety Management System (FSMS), also known as ISO 22000, implemented?
The first thing to know is that it is applied to all businesses operating in the food sector.
Moreover, the requirements vary accordingly:
- the country
- the region
- the professional activity
- the food
- the business
If a company is active in the food sector (e.g. a confectionery), and wants to implement ISO 22000, it must necessarily adopt a quality management system.
What does this mean?
It will adopt - activate documentation & recording procedures, i.e. it will control all processes, from production to the final product stage.
More specifically:
- Check for: pests, unwanted microorganisms, insecticides, and other toxic substances
- Sampling and microbiological - chemical control of raw materials
- Proper washing of raw materials
- Inspection of transport vehicles
- Equipment in a conspicuous and accessible location
- Healthy packaging materials
- Disposal of by-products in an appropriate manner
- Storage areas in proper conditions.
In order to achieve the ideal conditions in storage areas, it is necessary to use temperature and in some cases humidity recorders.
With the HAM ThermoSense and HAM HumiSense devices, we have the possibility to have full control of the temperature and humidity of our room or our cold rooms respectively, at any time! Also, we have instant alerts in cases where the temperature goes outside the prescribed limits.
For the implementation of the FSMS = ISO 22000, producers, traders, transporters, warehouse stuff, etc. are involved.
The company, therefore, should:
- Ensure the identification, control, and more specifically, the control of risks (Risk Management)
- Communicate effectively throughout the food chain
- Share information on the development, implementation and updating of the Food Safety Management System (FSMS)
- Periodically evaluate the HACCP
It is of major importance for any food business to show its customers that its products are safe, of high quality and reliable.
Finally, it should be noted that companies that have already implemented ISO 9001 will find it "easier" to integrate ISO 22000.
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